WARNING-pool-server-reached max_children setting

Solved! WARNING: [pool ***] server reached max_children, consider raising it

If you encounter such an error in the php logs, then it is time to modify max_children. The php logs are usually located in /var/log/,  and

Automatically Kill php-fpm or apache2 process with the High CPU in Linux

Once again I needed a solution to kill php-fpm or apache2 process with the high CPU usage and considering that I am not at the first

Server Disk Drive Tools Linux Format

Disk Partitions Commands in Ubuntu/Debian Server – LINUX Tools

1. fdisk The fdisk command can display the partitions and details like file system type, model, zise. In Ubuntu 20.04 report the size of each


Where is the php.ini configuration and enabled PHP modules? – Ubuntu Server

PHP configuration folders is usually in /etc/php/ and the installed version, in my case is in /etc/php/7.4/ The active version can be found with the following command in

Firewall Linux Server, Security

Delete UFW Firewall Rules on Ubuntu & Debian Server – Linux

If you want to delete active rules (filters) from UFW – Uncomplicated Firewall – , find out that it is very simple and there are

ssh-putty-server public-key-security

How to Change default SSH Port 22 to Increase Security

By default, the SSH service runs on port 22, but to prevent automated robots and malicious users from brute-forcing into your server, you should consider


Convert Subtitles SRT from ISO-8859-16 to UTF-8 – iconv – Linux

On the current personal NAS server, which is more like a Media Server for a Home Theater, I installed Jellyfin instead of more “popular” but not

Linux Delete-Remove, Files

How to Remove Files Recursively using Wildcard? – Linux Command Line

A short time ago I had to delete a lot of files created by a script, which I didn’t need anymore, but those files were

mc-chown-copy-error exfat-ext4-linux

Linux ext4-exFat Copy problem with MC (Midnight Commander) file manager

Not lon ago I encountered a rather bizarre situation using MC file manager, an application that I have been using for a long time in

Add ClassicPress WebApp to HestiaCP Control Panel – Ubuntu 20 Server

Recently I set up a VPS, and for the Control Panel I initially chose VestaCP, but after researching the forums a bit I came to