Get HTTP Status Code from Header – PHP
1. First of all we have to: deactivate the SSL verification because there are cases in which the site is redirected from a domain where
WW Copyright Trolls – Images, Movies, Music
Media Copyright Trolls (Youtube, Music & Video): Agora Aggregator Cartoon Network Digital Minds Entertainment EMI Freeplay Music GoDigital Media Group IMG Media UK, INgroove,
Get last URL after following HTTP redirections in PHP – get_headers
1st. step: Disable https/ssl verify & set some headers … $context = stream_context_create( [ ‘ssl’ => [ ‘verify_peer’ => false, ‘verify_peer_name’ => false, ], ‘http’=>array(
View the file size of a directory in LINUX – Folders and Subfolders
If we want to see what is the size occupied by folders or subfolders in linux, we can use the du command, that is a
How long a process has been running on linux server ? by PID or Name
If you want to see how long a process has been running on linux, all you have to do is find on its PID and
Get PHP MAJOR,MINOR and RELEASE Version Number – Linux Server
To find out the current version of php active on the server, there are basically two simple solutions and both use the php command with
PHP-FPM Service – How to start,stop,reload – Ubuntu Linux Severs
Used with many web servers like Apache, Nginx, and other, PHP-FPM is a FastCGI process manager for PHP. Sometimes we need to restart the server for
Solved! WARNING: [pool ***] server reached max_children, consider raising it
If you encounter such an error in the php logs, then it is time to modify max_children. The php logs are usually located in /var/log/, and
Automatically Kill php-fpm or apache2 process with the High CPU in Linux
Once again I needed a solution to kill php-fpm or apache2 process with the high CPU usage and considering that I am not at the first
Disk Partitions Commands in Ubuntu/Debian Server – LINUX Tools
1. fdisk The fdisk command can display the partitions and details like file system type, model, zise. In Ubuntu 20.04 report the size of each