Linux Permissions

How to change file/folder permissions with numbers – LINUX

Change file or directory permissions in Linux using numbers (three digits): # chmod 777 /MyFolder This method uses arithmetic, where it adds up the values

How to check open ports in Linux Ipfail

How to check open ports in Linux: netstat, ss, nmap, iptables, cat

Different Linux commands to check open ports in Linux: Using netstat to list open ports sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN tcp 0 0

Error apt update - NO_PUBKEY 78BD65473CB3BD13 Linux

SOLVED: Error apt update – NO_PUBKEY 78BD65473CB3BD13

If after the linux apt update command you receive an error about NO_PUBKEY, similar to what is seen below: root@epyc:~# apt update Hit:1 focal InRelease

EXPKEYSIG 97BD1A0133449C3D Gerardo Orellana ERROR

SOLOVED: signatures were invalid EXPKEYSIG 97BD1A0133449C3D Gerardo Orellana

If after the linux apt update command you receive an error similar to what is seen below: root@epyc:~# apt update Get:1 focal-security InRelease [114

w3-total-cache fatal-error-500

W3 Total Cache HTTP ERROR 500, Call to undefined function W3TC\wp_unslash()

At the last update for W3 Total Cahe to Version 2.2.3 we reached the situation that the site no longer works, it returns a classic

Brain, Hack

Your brain is hacked! Become the master of your thoughts.

If you are curious to know how you are constantly fooled and deceived by the technology around you, below are some useful links (with interesting

IO linux Error

Fixing kernel error AMD-Vi IO_PAGE_FAULT – Linux

Without any clear reason, today an error appeared on my home server, in fact the server crashed and did not respond to any commands, the

Linux OS Server

Hot to find your Linux Kernel Version

Below are the usual 4 Commands to Find Linux Kernel Version uname uname -r # find Linux kernel version uname -a # for all information related to

Kernel, Linux O(S

How to Update Linux Kernel to 5.5.0

To upgrade to linux 5.5.0 kernel, you can perform the following steps: 1st) Download the following files to an empty folder (for 64bit & generic

Linux Sleep

Stop Random Standy/Sleep in Ubuntu-Linux Server

My Ubuntu Server 18.04, is without a monitor / keyboard connected (headless server) and has been running for several years, but today I updated to