
Reload fstab (/etc/fstab) – dynamic loading without restart – Linux

When we make a change in the /etc/fstab file in order to be active (ie taken into account) we need to notify the operating system

Linux, Folder

View the file size of a directory in LINUX – Folders and Subfolders

If we want to see what is the size occupied by folders or subfolders in linux, we can use the du command, that is a

Server Disk Drive Tools Linux Format

Disk Partitions Commands in Ubuntu/Debian Server – LINUX Tools

1. fdisk The fdisk command can display the partitions and details like file system type, model, zise. In Ubuntu 20.04 report the size of each

mc-chown-copy-error exfat-ext4-linux

Linux ext4-exFat Copy problem with MC (Midnight Commander) file manager

Not lon ago I encountered a rather bizarre situation using MC file manager, an application that I have been using for a long time in