NewPipe - lightweight YouTube Player

NewPipe – lightweight YouTube experience without ads, login or tracking

NewPipe is a free and open-source Android application that provides a lightweight YouTube experience without ads, login requirements, or tracking. It is a popular choice

TikTok Social

How to mute and unmute while watching tiktok videos?

Watching a video quietly or at a controlled level is impossible in many social networks, and TikTok is the most annoying and annoying of all.

Brain, Hack

Your brain is hacked! Become the master of your thoughts.

If you are curious to know how you are constantly fooled and deceived by the technology around you, below are some useful links (with interesting

Block Malware

Free and Public DNS Servers for Family – Block Malicious Content!

Cloudflare Free DNS Servers Protect your home against malware – Using the following DNS resolvers will block malicious content: IPv4 IPv6 2606:4700:4700::1112 2606:4700:4700::1002 Protect

Brainwash Ads Google and Facebook

Be careful, you’re brainwashed on Facebook without realizing it!

Pay close attention (or close your eyes) to what ads you have on Facebook, because there are very high chances that you will be brainwashed

Online Safe Browsing

Important suggestions for a safe online browsing

The chance of being brainwashed by targeted ads is high, and the chance of being targeted to be influenced in making decisions like purchasing, subscription

Internet, Surveillance, facebook, google, amazon

The Great Overlord of Espionage on Earth – Facebook

A little easier to understand data about what kind of information facebook collects about us: (including when you sleep, have sex or are in the

Netflix Spy Users

Netflix Spies on you even if you are not an active Customer!

After  almost two and a half years of silence, during which I did not receive any stressful emails from Netflix, today suddenly I received an email

Facebook Bad Experience Psychology

How long will this psychosocial manipulation machine last? – Facebook !

Facebook does not offer anything real and beneficial for its users, only increasingly negative experiences and obviously a real obstacle in psychological, cultural, social, mental and